House for Sale!
Just kidding, well maybe not really. We've been running around crazy lately with this red roof house, questioning why the hell we ever decided to build this ourselves. We certainly have our good days and our bad ones. We laugh now, but Todd threw his first hammer at the poor deck Monday night when he was nailing up siding. When one of us gets in a foul mood, the other one usually jumps on board to join in the fun. Funny how that works. As for the siding, last weekend the Woodmizer was back in action in a new shady location. We cut up a handful of oak logs with high hopes to use the boards for our siding but soon found out that most of the wood was no good. Over half of what we sawed up was rotten and was donated to the burn pile. Oh well, there are plenty of other dead oak trees on the property. Here's how things are shaping up so far with the siding. Just imagine the battens and a nice stain. We've got a ways to go but it's a start!Here are also a few photos from our latest tiling project in the upstairs tub/shower.
We are both taking the day off from work tomorrow to divide and conquer. We'll be busy tiling, hanging siding, taking delivery of the remainder of our kitchen appliances and probably running to Home Depot a few times. Seems like we're getting pulled in a million directions, but I guess that's to be expected when building a house.
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