
Sawing til the cows come home

Lately we've been busy sawing up logs for our siding. This weekend was much better than last and we amassed a good pile of useable boards. We started over at the farm on Friday night with a huge white oak log that we left behind a couple years ago. It was too heavy to move at the time so we pushed it aside. We weren't sure what we'd get out the log since it looked pretty rotten, but we figured the Woodmizer was up to the challenge.We had some curious onlookers…On Saturday we continued to saw up 2 more large oak logs. We ended up with some beautiful boards. Boards that look too nice to nail up to the side of your house! And last but not least, Happy Birthday to Fiona.Yeah, this is supposed to be a house blog but every now and then it's hard to resist showing off cute family members! Here's a few more photos from Fiona's birthday party yesterday…Ahh...to be 2 again!

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