17 months!
It's been 10 months since there has been a post on this blog, so I have no idea if anyone is still out there! Are you there? Sorry for abandoning this place for so long. I can't believe our little Cedar is 17 months. She has changed so much and each day is such an adventure with her. She is still a peanut but busy as ever. I have spent alot of energy worrying about Cedar and her growth/development but I am learning to let go of the worry. I guess that's why I shied away from this blog because I didn't want to open up that part of my life and admit that things were hard. So here I am again and I hope to stick with it. So thanks for your patience!
So back to Cedar. She is turning into a such a little girl. We finally went out today to buy her a big girl car seat. We may be cutting it close but she should be about 20 pounds. Cedar is so beautiful. She is happy and quiet and independent. She is not a cuddler and never has been. She loves to be outside and explore and has earned the nickname "monkey". She is learning words and animal noises each day. Her latest accomplishments are "nack" (snack) and poo-poo. Her "mama" recently turned into "mommy" which melts my heart every time I hear it. She will call for me when she wakes up in the morning and also from naps. She loves to play hide n' seek with Todd (dadda) and they run around the sofa with one another. It seems that so much of her personality and energy comes from Todd. Todd likes to call her his "mini-me". There is so much to share since it has been so long, but I'll let the photos do the talking for now.
Yesterday we went to visit the goats at our next door neighbors.
On the way we stopped to watch the butterflies. We have so many butterflies this year and they love our weeds. So pretty. See...look!
I couldn't resist the light coming through this baby redbud tree.
Then it was time to romp on the sofa. Cedar was so sweet when she wanted to help put the lens cap back on the camera.
Someone is up from her afternoon nap....back soon!
Yeah Erin! Back in bidness...Today I checked the blogs that I follow and tried yours....surprised with an update and beautiful pics of Cedar! Awesome shots. Makes me want a new camera. Ours is on it's very last leg.
Thanks Kelly. I know, it's been sooo long. Glad you checked in on us!
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