
1 more day!

Well, tomorrow is the day! We're heading to the hospital tomorrow night and I will be induced. I will be exactly 38 weeks and the doctors don't want me to push it any further. So, my bedrest days are almost up. Bedrest was hard but now that it's almost over, I feel a huge relief that everything is okay and that it wasn't all that bad. Although Todd might say otherwise! :)

I'm so thankful that I made it to 38 weeks and holy crap, I'm having a baby soon! We're so excited and overwhelmed with emotions that the day is almost here. When I go in tomorrow night they will start me on cervidil for 12 hours which will soften and thin out my cervix. Then the following morning, which happens to be Friday the 13th, they will start me on pitocin to begin the contractions. So she'll be here either Friday or Valentine's Day depending on how long it takes. Valentine's Day would be special because it's my mom's birthday, but that also means a longer labor. We shall see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes! So excited for you guys! Good luck and I will be thinking about you over the next couple of days! Welcome to the world baby!
Love, Erin