34 weeks, 6 more to go...
The past 3 weeks have gone by pretty quickly despite being on bedrest. I've never really looked forward to doctor appointments but they really help pass the time. It's also reassuring to see our baby move around on the ultrasound screen and to hear her little heart beating during the non-stress tests. I have another ultrasound tomorrow and from now on will have one ultrasound a week, instead of two. They'll check her growth each time, as well as the fluids, movement and breathing. I'll continue the non-stress tests twice a week. Kelly, my wonderful sister'n law, hosted a baby shower for me last weekend. Thanks Kelly! It was great spending time with family, friends, and coworkers. I'm sure my blood pressure was elevated from all the action but I did get the go-ahead from the doc that I could have the shower. I tried to keep my feet elevated but I cheated a little bit for photos and hugs..and getting up for all those yummy desserts. We got so many wonderful gifts for baby. She even got her first pair of pink vans! I can't wait for her to wear those. Here we are after Todd emerged from hiding in the basement with the other guys…
And below striking a belly pose with Kelly and my cousin Jeannette.
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