
A beautiful weekend

Ahh…the weather has been great lately! We took advantage of it last weekend and were up and down ladders weatherproofing the house. We’ve discovered a few puddles of water in the house after the rain we’ve been having and it’s a bit concerning given that we were planning to install our wood floors soon. We know that most of the problem will be solved when we get our siding up, but in the meantime we put copper flashing up above each of our windows.We also fixed our deck door. It was temporarily installed and wasn’t square. So we pulled it down, then applied more silicone caulk and shimmed it back into place. Here we are scraping off the old caulk…The bobcat was back in action once again. We are now all finished with the grading and are in the process of putting down more grass seed. We also spent a little bit of time in the garden giving it some much needed attention. We tilled and weeded monstrous grass clumps. The retired 1970’s Willowcroft Vineyard tiller was in full effect! Later Holmes planted the potatoes and squash while we fertilized the blueberries.

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