
One month old

I can't believe our little man is one month. Time has quickly passed since coming home from the hospital and honestly I'm still in a bit of a fog. Eli has been going through a fussy spell and we are still trying to figure out how to make him more comfortable. I stopped breastfeeding and have switched to a gentlease formula, which was a hard decision, but he has done MUCH better with the change. There must be something about my breastmilk because I had a heck of a time with Cedar as well. Eli has been arching and fussing after feedings so we are treating him for reflux. It's so hard to see your baby in pain but he seems happier now. As I type this Eli is swaddled in a blanket laying against my chest. I cherish these moments because I know in no time he'll be running around the house with his sister. Cedar has adjusted so well to Eli. She is so cute running over and giving him a paci or saying "shhhh" when he is fussy. She is so independent and such a big girl now. She loves fairies and we have all of the tinkerbell movies. Last week we made fairy wings and they have been a big hit. I got the idea here and love how they turned out. I want to remember all of the tiny details of both of my kiddos, down to Eli's tiny fingers and Cedar's beautiful curls.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Awww. He is getting so big already. Such a mini Todd...too funny. I bet Todd loves that! Cannot believe he is already 1 month and Regan is 3 months.