
Cedar has a song for you...

Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! Cedar is now 23 months old and so much fun. Can't believe she'll be 2 soon. We are keeping warm by the woodstove, doing lots of puzzles and playing with her new kitchen that Fiona passed on. Cedar is talking so much now and she's such a goof ball. So much to share! We have exciting news. We are expecting another baby in May and it's a boy. We are thrilled to be having one of each and can't wait to give Cedar a sibling. Happy New Year!

Whenever I get on here to post photos I realize that I need to get my camera out more often. The shots below are not too recent but cute nonetheless. I plan on getting my camera out once Cedar is up from her nap and following her around for a bit. :) Cedar, 22 months

The new kitchen
Christmas card outtakes with cousin Fiona.
So happy!

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