Outer Banks trip
We're back from the beach and I'm just now getting to processing the photos. On the way down we stopped off at my Aunt Liz's house in Smithfield for a visit and to spend the night. She has an awesome house on the water that is full of great art. We filled up the house that night with Logan, Kelly, River, Mason and Mimi and Pop. In the morning we all went out on the dock to soak up the beautiful scenery. Todd and my cousin Hunter took River out for a fishing trip in the canoe and I did my best to keep Cedar from falling in. And this is the only cousin group shot I got all week and look how great it turned out…
ugh. River is trying so hard to contain the group and Cedar is breakin' away from the attention. Occasionally Cedar will give us a "cheese" shot like this one…
I caught Mason as he was coming down the deck stairs and he politely stayed for a close-up.
What a sweet boy. Can't believe he will be 2 tomorrow!
We eventually made our way to the beach. I've been coming to the same spot since I was a baby and I never get tired of this…I really didn't have my camera out much on the beach but now I regret that I didn't get more shots. Guess I'll have to wait until next year. Cedar had a blast in the sand, digging and carrying buckets around.
She loved the surf and tried her hardest to jump but she's not quite there yet. The water was a bit cool and there were lots of jellyfish but we were able to take her out one day. In the mornings, during Willow's walk, she enjoyed the wide open space to explore and run.
We found lots of washed up jellyfish. Here is Cedar pointing one out…
and then she delicately inspects with her foot…
Then we found a washed up blowfish. Poor guy. I've never seen a blowfish in the Outer Banks before!
Willow also enjoyed the sand and swimming. She did her usual rootin' routine when she got out of the water. It goes something like this:
Cedar found it quite amusing. River got a pretty cool kite at Kitty Hawk. If you can't tell, he was very excited about it!
Too bad there was no wind this particular morning. I'll leave you with a few more random shots of Cedar running around the beach and one of the fam. :)
Have a great week!
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