4 months
I can't believe our wee one is 4 months old! Cedar had her 4 month check-up on Monday and is still staying on the same growth curve for both height and weight. She's in the 3rd percentile and weighs about 10-1/2 pounds. I get worried about her weight but our pediatrician keeps reassuring me that she is perfectly fine and that being bigger doesn't mean healthier. She is just petite.
Cedar is talking alot more and can now roll over from her stomach to her back. In the photo above you can see what the TV does to her. We try to keep it off because she will find it anywhere in the room and zone out! :)
She laughed for the first time last week which was sooo awesome. It wasn't just a laugh, it was a belly chuckle and I haven't heard her do it since. She was watching Doah (Logan & Kelly's dog) play with Landon (Molly's son). She did it 3 times. It seems silly to get emotional about your baby laughing for the first time but I cried, then Molly cried. :) Cedar loved to lie on the floor with Doah and watch her. I'll attach a video so you can see her in action smiling away. Last weekend we took her swimming for the first time up at BT's dad's house.
He has a beautiful piece of property and cool house up on top the mountain in Round Hill. It was a beautiful day to lounge around the pool after Todd's soccer games. We didn't have a suit for Cedar so she went in with her swimming diaper. She seemed okay with her first swim and really didn't show too much emotion. She just looked at her daddy and all the light reflections. Luckily the pool was heated so the transition wasn't too bad.
Next week we are heading to Athens, Georgia for a get-away to visit Todd's cousin Heather and her husband Dave. They just had a baby boy named Essex who we can't wait to meet. It's also AthFest and uncle Scott will be flying in from Portland. Good times! It will be a long 10 hour drive so we are going to put Cedar to bed in her car seat and drive through the night. That should be interesting! I'll be sure to post photos when we get back.
And finally here's Cedar with Doah rocking out to some toddler tunes. :)
cute..where are the 5 month pics??
Hey, Guys! Trish told me you guys had a blog! Cedar is C-U-T-E!!!!!! and your home is fantastic!
peace to you all, ellie
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