Watch me grow - week 3
Hello! Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 weeks already. Cedar is doing great. She's such a happy little girl and rarely fusses. She is so alert and makes the funniest little sounds. I'm still adjusting to the nightly feedings. Some days I feel like a slug while other days I feel back to my old self.
Todd went back to work last week so that was a bit of adjustment. This week was much better for me and it's helped having visitors and meals dropped off. Kelly's bible study group has generously made meals for us and we don't even know them! They are so awesome. Gosh, we feel so spoiled. Trish (aka mom-mom) came over earlier this week and she brought a box of Todd's baby photos and his baby book. I love old photos and it was such fun looking through them. Todd was such a cutie and the newborn photo of him is sooo much like Cedar. She definitely takes after her daddy, all the way down to her long toes! Here's Todd's newborn photo followed by a shot of Cedar. You can certainly see the resemblance.And just for fun, here are Todd and I around 3 months old:
We are both bicentennial babies, born in the Summer, about 2 weeks apart. And here we are at 4 years old:
Now back to some more photos of Cedar. I am attempting different poses to mix things up a bit. Does she look any bigger?
And finally here she is with her big sis. Willow is such a good sport about having a baby in the house, it doesn't even phase her. She is so gentle and patient.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend. We're certainly looking forward to getting outside in the 70 degree weather! I can't wait for Spring...
1 comment:
Cedar looks adorable. It was fun watching her grow to 3 weeks old in 5 minutes. The pictures are great. Glad to hear that all went well.
Michael & Marita
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