House project updates
We've been so consumed by Cedar that we haven't given any updates on the house in awhile. We did wrap things up with the bank and closed out our loan at a perfect time. Actually come to think of it, it was the day I went in to be induced that we signed our signatures about 900 times. Sometimes procrastination pays off because we got a great rate. There are still outstanding projects in the house to complete, like the trim and painting, but we've got our mind set on other things at the moment. In true red roof fashion we've started other projects instead of finishing uncompleted ones. Isn't that what they call multi-tasking? Todd, with the help of Willy and Shawn, has started clearing in the woods for a red roof guest house. Something small and one story that faces the field. We are hoping to use the Woodmizer to cut our own timber frame.
We are also working towards finishing off our basement. We plan on flying under the radar with this one and not letting the county know. *Please disregard that sentence if you work for the county!* Back around the beginning of the year, we had our neighbor Ken come out and spray foam the entire ceiling of the basement. The crew sprayed between all the joists, covering all the pipes and wires. It was a messy job but wow, what a difference it's made. Before the spray foam we were cranking the woodstove and running the heat to keep the house warm, but afterwards the heat hasn't come on. We were totally impressed by this during those frigid 5 degree nights.
Below are some shots of the spray foam. I'll warn you, they aren't as cute as Cedar. :)The foam is about 5-7 inches thick and also acts as a good sound buffer.
We may end up spray foaming the walls when the time comes. The crew shot a little foam on the wall as an example:
And our future guest house…
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