It's a girl!
We found out yesterday, at my 20 week ultrasound, that we're expecting a girl. We're very excited and all is well with baby. It's wild what you can see in an ultrasound and they really check everything! We have a bunch of photos, including a couple 3D ones. I'm away from a scanner today but I'll put some up soon. Unfortunately I have to go back next week for another ultrasound because baby was being a little stubborn and wouldn't move into the correct position for the technician to see all of the angles of her heart. So we'll get to see her again next week and I guess I can't complain! Have a great weekend.
Erin!!!! She is going to be so adorable!! Yeah for girls! Congrats to you and Todd!
What's with all the girly sperm in this family? Congratulations! I'm happy you guys are adding another E-line to the mix.
You know how excited we are for you all! She will be the QUEEN around River and Mason. We look forward to meeting our niece!
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