
Blame it on the wood stove

Sorry for the weak posting lately. We've been sucked into the vortex of our wood stove. There's just something about those dark cold nights that makes it hard to be productive. The sofa seems very appealing and by 9 o'clock we're ready for bed. The master bathroom shower tiling job still waits for me. Weekends have come and gone and it's still not done. In the meantime, the shower has now turned into an extension of our closet. It will not defeat me though, as easy as it would be to call someone in to the rescue, I've got to finish the job that I started back in the summer. Hopefully this weekend I'll wake up and be rarin' to go. We still have a number of loose ends to tie up before we can call the county inspector out for our final inspection, but we are getting close. Todd recently wired in all the smoke detectors one afternoon while Willy & Trish were over. All the detectors are required to be on the same circuit, so when one goes off, they all go off. Yikes...we better not burn any cookies!

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