
Sticks and Stones

We spent most of the chilly Easter weekend planting grass seed on our drainfield and around the house. We started by collecting all sorts of little sticks, roots and rocks that were in our way. We want to get the grass seed down before another county employee ventures out. Periodically a soil & erosion employee checks to see if we are being "responsible land disturbers." We did a pretty good job of cleaning things up and then ventured over to the farm with the trailer for straw. We've been getting our straw out of one of the old barns and it's an allergy sufferers worst nightmare! We stirred up dust (and who knows what else) from hay/straw bales that are probably over 50 years old. It's hard to complain when it's free though....thanks Uncle Sam!Here's an old fire truck that's parked outside of the barn…Here we are strawing and seeding away in the drainfield…

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