
Exposed duct work

Our HVAC was installed. Since there is no attic space and we didn't want to box it in, we opted to leave the duct work exposed and painted it matte black for a more industrial look. We are really happy with the results. Todd is positioning boards and getting ready to do a little touch up work. Our new swivel bar stools should go nicely...Todd getting one of the electrical panels ready for the inspection on Tuesday. We passed! Novec has been notified to come out and run the line underground to the house. We are really looking forward to the day when we can flip a switch to have power. The days of the generator are numbered!

1 comment:

The Story of a Farm Life said...

This is really interesting! I was searching for a Cochran's Lumber image and you guys popped up. I am married to Ben {Cochran}, and we are actually in the middle of doing our own renovation on an old farmhouse.


So Fun!